Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Scalp

Crux move on Gully's problem.

Have been to The Scalp the last two days, I'm trying to get some bouldering under my belt in preparation for the winter. The Scalp is ideal as its a short drive, zero walk in and there is loads of stuff at or just above my current level. My ultimate goal is to do all the 6b/6c in a day but first I have to do them at all. It really is a pleasant spot and the problems are quite unique both powerful and subtle. I might make a video once I have got them all wired, I have a suspicion that everyone uses different beta on most problems.


  1. Gully's Problem is fantastic or more than fantastic! I hope visit The Scalp very soon. Regards

  2. I like as well but I know some people who hate it and in fairness that sidepull crimp is sore.

  3. Funny thing I was in the scalp yesterday too about 2 beautiful day.
    I was looking at the arĂȘte to the right of gully prob. I was surprised it wasn't in the guide. I assume it's done any idea of the grade?
    I never got a chance to try I was on my way to the highball 5 at the top of the valley when my mat decided to go home without me and by the time I retrieved it near the car and my gear on the way down my climbing was over. I'll have to go back for it. Ha ha

  4. I got there around 4 I think Simon. I assume that arete is done, certainly holds on it were chalked. Let me know if you are heading back again soon Simon?
