Sunday, December 12, 2010

Guide nearly finished

The guide is nearly finished just another week or two. So if anyone has any last minute information or photos now is the time to send it on....


  1. sounds excellent!

    will the guide have same bouldering featured as the recent Mournes guide or will there be additional problems / more areas?

    i assume Fair Head will be included?


  2. There is more problems and more areas in the Mournes section than was in the Mournes Route Guide.

    Fair Head is pretty comprehensively covered. There is a huge amount there and not all of it is in the guide but the good hard stuff is.

    14 pages on The Mournes.
    10 pages on Fair Head.

  3. Good work Dave! can I pre order mine now, from the previews I've seen the guide will be amazing

  4. Thanks Lee. I'm pleased with how it looks I have to say, I can't wait to get a copy into my hand, though I will be nervous. I will set up preordering once I see the early copies. (Just in case.)
